Difference between flow and sequence flow


I have few Camunda WFs, and I noticed that some of the arrow connectors betwwen two tasks are named as Flow and some are named as SequenceFlow automatically by Camunda, is there any difference between the two?, if so what is it? and does it affect the processing of the WF in any way?

Need quick resolution for this.



Did you create the models with the Camunda Modeler?

The BPMN Standard includes two types of flow:

  • Sequence Flow to connect elements in one process
  • Message Flow to connect elements in multiple processes

Furthermore, there are directed associations to represent the data flow.

When automating processes with Camunda only Sequence Flow is relevant. The other flows will be ignored, but may be part of your code (i.e., task workers that send messages, or read and write data).

The XML should contain only bpmn:sequenceFlow and bpmn:messageFlow elements. The ID assigned by Camunda is something like Flow_06j06sd but this naming is not relevant.

As long as you created the model with the Camunda Modeler, you should be good.
If you require further clarification, please send some model or a snippet of the model so that we can see what you mean.

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Hi @StephanHaarmann , that makes it clear, thanks for the quick response!