@nathan.loding Thanks again, for a quick and detailed reply. Here’s what I have found out, armed with your explanation, the links to gRPC docs and a bit of exploration on my part.

In the XML file (“./diagram_6.bpmn”), , the process-id tag is <bpmn:process id="process-payments-6-NS"
Given this workflow, the following code snippet
var zeebeDeploymentReport = zeebeClient
provides the following info.
- The Deployment Key is
value; in my case 2251799814356918. From the gRPC Protobuf definition, this is supposed to represent // the unique key identifying the deployment
. Got it.
- The Tenant ID is just
; no idea why! In a self-managed set up, where there is no other tenant, it should say something like ‘Are you lonesome?’ and may be, put a hand on my shoulder! 
- The number of processes is 1. Perfect!
That single process carries more information, such as:
The bpmnProcessId
(refer to the Javadoc in my earlier response) is as expected: process-payments-6-NS. No surprises! From the gRPC Protobuf definition, this is supposed to represent // the bpmn process ID, as parsed during deployment; together with the version forms a unique identifier for a specific process definition
The resourceName
is the name of the file: ./diagram_6.bpmn
The version
is 7. This is so, because I have been experimenting and thus, a number of versions have been created. Before executing the code shown above, I have meticulously removed the preceding 6 versions, using ‘operate’ web console.
The processDefinitionKey
is Long
value; in my case 2251799814326464.
From the gRPC Protobuf definition, this is supposed to represent // the assigned key, which acts as a unique identifier for this process
. Importantly, this value is not the same as the ‘Deployment Key’ above.
[Note]: From your reply above, I understand that the ‘bpmnProcessId + version’ combo is equivalent to the ‘processDefinitionKey’.
The tenantdId
is, well, <default>
. I mean, why, Zeebe, why? Don’t you know me? 
With everything being set, the following code snippet, creates an instance of the workflow:
var zeebeCreatedInstanceReport =
// .latestVersion()
[Note]: Watch the commented two lines above.
The following info are available:
- processDefnitionKey is 2251799814326464, the same as reported after the deployment. No surprise.
- bpmnProcessID is process-payments-6-NS, the same as reported after the deployment. No surprise.
- resourceName and version are the same as reported before, as well.
- tenantID is, you guessed it, !
- processInstanceKey is 2251799814356919. This is important, of course. From the gRPC Protobuf definition, this is supposed to represent
// the unique identifier of the created process instance; to be used wherever a request needs a process instance key (e.g. CancelProcessInstanceRequest)
At this point, I have checked the state of Camunda 8 Workflow engine through ‘operate’ web console. Indeed, a workflow has been deployed and an instance of it, created and running.
Then, I run the following:
var z = zeebeClient
The return value is an object, carrying no useful information. It is impossible to know, programmatically, if the cancellation has gone through or not. When I check at ‘operate’ web console, the state of the process instance is not always ‘cancelled’. It may be because of some delay, but it is not predictable from what I have seen so far.
Further, I have tried this:
var y =
// Remember, that Key that was returned
// when the deployment was successful?
This throws as exception:
NOT_FOUND: Command 'DELETE' rejected with code 'NOT_FOUND': Expected to delete resource but no resource found with key `2251799814370438`
This is what gRPC Prortobuf definition says:
message DeleteResourceRequest {
// The key of the resource that should be deleted. This can either be the key
// of a process definition, the key of a decision requirements definition or the key of a form.
int64 resourceKey = 1;
So, it is not clear at all, of what use that key is (even though it is mentioned in the gRPC Protobuf description file)?
Out of curiosity, I have tried the following, because the name processDefinitionKey
suggests that this may be appropriate:
var y =
// This is processDefinitionKey and *not* the processInstanceKey
The return value is an object, carrying no useful information. So, It is impossible to know, programmatically, if the deletion of the resource has gone through or not. When I check at ‘operate’ web console, the workflow deployed is still shown to be present!!
This is long, I know. I hope you will have the patience to read through it all. I have tried to give as much information as possible. I hope it is useful. Thanks for coaxing me. 
Please guide me, for the next steps.