Is there any possiblity to also disable plugins in a convenient way?
Or do we have to write our own maven-plugin to edit the index.html (ui/[app]/client/scripts/index.html) to add/set the “cam-exclude-plugins”-Attribute on the base-tag in the build process?
The docs say “You can exclude some plugins from the interface by adding a cam-exclude-plugins attribute to the HTML base tag of the page loading the interface.” The problem is that the page loading the interface is part of a referenced library. So you will need to manipulate this library.
The main steps are:
Create a separate Maven project
a. unpack the original webjar
b. add a custom index index.html with the desired plugin exclusions
In your main Spring Boot application
a. exclude Camunda’s webjar
b. reference your newly generated webjar
Ho to achieve this?
Create a Maven project containing just an index.html. You can copy the index.html from a Camunda distro and manipulate the HTML base tag according to your needs. For example, in the Tomcat distro, the path is camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.43\webapps\camunda\app\cockpit\index.html. This index.html also contains sample code how to exlude a plugin.
In the POM of this project, use Maven plugins to unpack Camundas webjar and to copy our custom index.html to an appropriate location. An example POM (based on Björns POM) is here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Same version as in your main project -->
<name>BEservices Plattform</name>
<!-- Von den Webapps benötigen wir die das mit classes benannte Subset an Dateien -->
<!-- Und schliesslich benötigen wir das WebJAR, wobei dieses als optional gekennzeichnet wird, weil die aufrufenden Projekte dadurch wissen, dass sie es nicht zwingend als Abhängigkeit benötigen. Warum? Weil wir es ja anschliessend selbst in Form dieses Projekts ausgeben -->
<!-- Unpack the original webjar -->
<!-- Overwrite index.html with the content of our folder html (contains just our custom index.html) -->
<!-- Ohne die folgende Angaben versucht Maven mit JDK 5 zu kompilieren -->
In your main project, make sure the original Camunda webjar is excluded
first of all, thank you very much for the detailed approach. However, I still see two drawbacks with your solution.
Maintaining the index.html
With your approach, we have to provide our own index.html, which will probably undergo more changes itselfe than the base-Attribute “cam-exclude-plugins”.
We would favour an approach which rather manipulates this attribute than ships a stand-alone index.html
Manipulating Camunda’s webjar
Manipulating and repacking the camunda webjar seems to be the reasonable choice to handle this situation. Nevertheless, I would use this approach only as a last resort, if there was no configuration maintained by camunda.
Maybe some of the camunda-team can contribute to this discussion, as I see @Niall already liked your comment