Disable DMN Rules

Is there any way to disable a specific dmn rules for a specific case from existing n rules without updating them.
Ex- Suppose I have 10 rules in my .dmn, and I want to disable/not run specific rule, say rule no-4. Condition here is I don’t want to update any of 10 existing rules, also I don’t want to remove or delete rule no-4.


Hi @jauhari ,

Off the top of my head I can’t really think of a way to do this if all the rules are in one DMN table. If you wanted to split them out into separate tables that all then feed back into one table, the rule you wish to ignore could be ignored by passing in another variable to the DMN.

It’s not pretty, but it will get you where you want to go.

If you care to expound a bit on what result you’re trying to achieve here, it might also help us come up with a better, easier solution.

Best Regards,

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Hi @davidgs ,

Scenario here is:
We are trying to onboard a new partner. We have already defined a set of rules named as: partner-validation.dmn, through which every new partner has to pass. This set of rule is universal in nature and single, meaning common for all.
Case here is, the new partner is asking for exemption for 2 rules (say rule no- 4, 88).
Now the problem here is we have many partners onboarded based on this dmn and they are in prod, so we can’t think of splitting of dmn into multiple (as per your suggestion). Also defining new validation rules as per new partner will take lots of business approval which we want to escape, hence looking for “disable” dmn rules features.



is there any way possible to achieve above expectation by any mean?


please let if know if above is the valid use case for dmn rules validation. And is there any possible way to facilitate, may be by adding new features in upcoming version in future?

Or else may I ask support team to provide this disable feature in some new patches, as we are using license, will they consider this req and use case?
