at java.base/
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: FEEL-01016 Simple Expression not supported by FEEL engine
at org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.juel.FeelEngineLogger.simpleExpressionNotSupportefeelContainsFunction.dmn (1.0 KB)
Can you take a look at the Style Guide? It’ll help you understand how to format code correctly and also help you create questions that are easy to understand and also easier to answer
If you want to use the contains function you need to upgrade the version of the engine you’re using
We upgraded the DMN FEEL engine from version 7.13 onward. So i’d suggest you do that.
There is lot of compatibility issues In my project specific , if we migrate the camunda to 7.13 version . Is there any way to check the contains functionality with 7.10 version in camunda DMN?
There is actually, you can try to add the new FEEL engine yourself manually. This should work as it was possible in 7.10 to replace the built in FEEL engine with the Scala one.