DMN input expression: JavaScript map-like function in FEEL


In the DMN input’s expression, I’m trying to transform a list of objects into another list containing all the values of a certain property in the first list.

For instance, I have a list variable called consumptionPerVisitList which contains objects. Each object has properties, including one called codePrestation:

  { ..., 'codePrestation' : '28' },
  { ..., 'codePrestation' : '53' },
  { ..., 'codePrestation' : '35' },

In my DMN, I would like to transform this list into another list containing each codePrestation like this:

['28', '53', '35']

In order to to add rules based on the latter list:

Is there a way to make this transformation into the input’s expression in FEEL.

I also tried with JavaScript map() function, but this doesn’t work: { return


Hi @sepaquay,

In FEEL, you can use a projection on the list.

For example:


Does this help you?

Best regards,

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Hi @Philipp_Ossler,

This is exactly what I needed.

Thank you!