I have to apply DMN to check 2 variables, Both will be dynamically fetched from the DB
For EX:
String Varibale1, Variable2
DMN Condition to be applied is :
If (Variable 1==Variable 2) then the result should be “Pass”; Else “Fail”
Variable 1 and Variable 2 will be fetched from DB.
For EX Run1
Varibale 1 = “Run1DBReturnedValue”
Variable 2 = “Run1DBReturnedValue”
In this case result should be “pass”
For EX Run2
Varibale 1 = “Run2DBReturnedValue”
Variable 2 = “Run2DBReturnedDifferentValue”
In this case result should be “Fail”.
Please suggest me to move forward.