Does Camunda Support for Oracle 23C Upgrade?

We are currently using Oracle 19C as our database. Camunda 7.19 Community Version works with Oracle 19C without any issue. But we are planning to upgrade Oracle version as 23C.

We referred Camunda documentation as well. But we couldn’t get an idea whether Camunda 7.19 Supports Oracle 23C upgrade from it.

Therefore, we are highly appreciating if you can answer below questions.

  1. Does Camunda 7.19 Community version supports for Oracle 23C upgrade? If so do we need to add extra configuration for it?
  2. If Camunda 7.19 Community version does not supports for Oracle 23C upgrade right now, then do you have any plan to support it in upcoming minor release?
  3. If Camunda 7 Community version does not supports for Oracle 23C upgrade then does Camunda 8 supports for Oracle 23C upgrade? If so can you share the relevant details with us.

Your earliest response is highly appreciated.

Thank you.


Hello my friend!
Welcome to the community!

Camunda 7 supports version 19c only, therefore upgrading to higher versions is not recommended in production environments. I do believe that 23c will be supported in the next versions.

Camunda 8 does not use relational databases, as the data is exported to Elastic Search.

Hope this helps.

William Robert Alves


Thanks William for your quick response…

We would like to know which version release does Camunda expected to do this support implementation?


I raised ticket in GitHub Issue Tracker as well.

Ticket Link : Enable Oracle 23C upgrade support for Camunda 7 Community Version · Issue #4178 · camunda/camunda-bpm-platform (

Thank you.


Hello my friend!

I did some research here… and from what I saw about the next releases of Camunda 7, there are no support forecasts for Oracle 23c.

Maybe due to the fact that the vast majority of Camunda 7 users use Postgres as DB for storing Camunda data, but I’m not sure if it’s for this reason… :neutral_face:

Below is the link to view updates on upcoming releases and the respective dates for each one:

I hope this helps!

William Robert Alves

Hello my friend!

I just checked another topic, in which a Camunda employee answers your question.
Support for Oracle 23c is planned for the first half of 2024.

I hope this helps!

William Robert Alves

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