Does Operate work with LDAPS? Does it support roles?

Alexey Vinogradov: Hello Team!

We currently evaluating Camunda Operate self-managed and we have a question about LDAP authorization:

  1. Is LDAPS supported?
  2. Does Camunda Operate support role models if we authenticate via LDAPS?

korthout: I’m no Operate expert, but the docs say that LDAP is supported for operate. Maybe it helps

zell: I think LDAPS is a bit different in regards to encryption ? :thinking_face: Maybe @svetlana.dorokhova knows

svetlana.dorokhova: @Ralf do you know anything on the topic?

Ralf: 1. It is similar to HTTP and HTTPS, you use the LDAPS protocol specifier in LDAP URL.
2. Operate uses LDAP only for user authentication and user info, no additional information is used. Operate has currently no concept of roles.

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Alexey Vinogradov: Thanks, everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

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