Does the Zeebe header have a data size limit

Does the Zeebe header have a data size limit

Hi @coderzjh,

please add more context to your question. For me, your question is not clear.

What do you mean by “Zeebe header”?
What do you try to achieve?

Best regards,

<zeebe:taskHeaders></zeebe:taskHeaders>Does the Zeebe header have a data size limit,if I want to transfer data by zeebe:taskHeaders

Ah okay. You want do use the custom task headers to store data.

There is no specific limitation for the task headers.

Effectively, the size is limited by the max. message size (i.e. the max. size of a record batch). We may exceed the message size limit on runtime, for example, when deploying processes, activating a service task, or completing a job.

In general, it is not recommended to store large data in the custom task headers.