Doubts in camunda-engine-dmn dependency

I’m using “camunda-engine-dmn” dependency of version-7.22.0 in my java application to evaluate FEEL expressions.
Here is the example code snippet of how I use it

FeelEngine feelEngine = new FeelEngine.Builder().build();
            Either<FeelEngine.Failure, Object> result = feelEngine.evalExpression(feelExpression, variableContext);

The evalExpression appears to be a deprecated function, which is the problem.
Therefore, I wanted to know if Camunda would still be supporting this FEEL evaluator. If it goes on, how?

Correct. The FEEL API was replaced with a new API FeelEngineApi.

With the new version 7.23, you will be able to use the API with the new builder FeelEngineBuilder.


Thanks you !!! I’ll check this