Hello. I’m currently trying to achieve a functionality where i have list of let’s say 2 objects like
surname: “Doe”,
active: false,
name: “John”
surname: “Doe”,
active: false,
name: “Jane”
and i display that in table-like layout of textAreas and checkboxes inside dynamic list.
I need to let the user modify name and surname of records, but only if particular entry is marked as active, and add new or delete existing records.
I tried to set the “readOnly” property to fx = active
but when i select and deselect checkbox nothing changes visualy.
Howewer the field “active”: of given record changes accordingly.
What works for me is when i added addidional checkbox outside dynamic list and binded that key to readOnly property.
Checking and unchecking that disables and enables input but that way i’m not modifying given entry in table.
Is there any workaround for that usecase?