I want to model a process where there can be 1-n call activities and all of them should wait when finished to run into a task which aggregates the data of the call activities.
The call activities are kind of service change requests which result in changes in the customer contract.
Use case: Customer sends a change request. The process is startet. While this process (with change request as call activity) is running, the customer sends another change request. The first change request call activity should wait until the second call activity is finished so the following “Update Contract” task is only executed one time.
The “Update Contract” task is a User/Manual Task and therefore it is worth waiting to only do the work once.
Parallel multi instance is not working for me, because I do not know how many call activities will be needed.
The attached model shows how I would want to design the process. It is not working though, because the parallel gateway is consuming all the tokens until no token is left. I do not know where to put the “opening” parallel gateway.
Any other out of the box ideas are warmly welcome.