Eclipse and Enterprise Edition Maven Repo

Hi Folks, I’m new to Camunda and currently evaluating the Enterprise Edition for my client. I’m trying to add and verify the Canumda EE Maven Repository URL ( to my Eclipse Desktop client but keep getting the Remote Catalog is empty message on verification. I have configured the necessary credentials in the Maven settings file in .m2 folder under my home folder. This is done on both Windows 10 and Mac OS machines. Still the same error although I can navigate to the repo using the same credentials with a Web browser. What am I missing? Please help.

Please refer this link. Remote catalog is empty message in Eclipse when trying to add Camunda archetypes to Maven. Most probably it would be proxy issues related to your environment

Thank you, Prasad.

I have no issues in accessing the Community Archetypes from both home (mac) and work (windows) machines. It’s only the EE repo: ( that is inaccessible from any machine even after correctly specifying the Repo Credentials in the ~/m2/settings.xml file.

Anything else that needs to be done to enable Eclipse to access EE repo?

hi @camps,

You have to install the camunda-nexus certificate to your trusted certificate list since it uses ssl communication. Please follow the below steps.

  1. Log into in Chrome browser. Click on site icon left to URL in address bar, select “Certificate”-> “Details” -> “Export” and click “copy to file” button. Subsequently select the format “DER-encoded binary X.509 (.CER)” while saving.
  2. Now this file has to be added to your trusted cert files. For that you have to execute the below command (Expecting keytool command is available everywhere lest set path variable for jdk installation) after navigating to the folder in which you kept the camunda certificate

keytool -import -alias example -keystore D:\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\jre\lib\security\cacerts -file camunda-nexus-certificate.cer

**Remember cacerts is a file , not a folder.

You will be asked for a password. Give it as “changeit” (which is the default password )

  1. Open a new command prompt and give a build by giving “mvn clean package”

This must work:)

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