Elasticsearch exporter creates different mappings in different environments


I’m developing a solution which is based on Zeebe and utilizes its elasticsearch exporter for pushing logs to ES. Although in general this works well, I’ve noticed that there are some differences in index mappings between the environments we use. For example fields which are mapped as ‘keyword’ on my local PC, get ‘text’ on our test env (example: index: zeebe-record_process-instance, field: Intent)
Another difference: zeebe-record_job, field: value.customHeaders - being indexed in test env and not being indexed on my PC, with mapping:
“customHeaders” : {
“type” : “object”,
“enabled” : false

My question is - if and how can we configure index mapping templates for elasticsearch exporter and what might be the reason of getting different mappings even though zeebe and es versions are the same as well as exporter config.

We use the following setup:
Elasticsearch 7.16