Element Template - Extend Modeler to retrieve list of existing RPA bots?

Hello everyone,

I wonder whether or not it is possible to create an RPA task type that provides a list of all the available robots already defined, e.g. in UiPath. This way, a modeler would be able to have an overview of RPA bots inside the Camunda Modeler and could select one for task automation, thereby achieving reuse. Is this possible to achieve with element templates, or is there any other way for realization?

Thank you!

Hi @astro,

Cawemo offers Templates for this use case: Templates | docs.camunda.org

You can collect the templates in a catalog project and synchroize them with the Camunda Modeler: Camunda Modeler | docs.camunda.org

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hey @Ingo_Richtsmeier

thanks for sharing. Nevertheless, I’m wondering if it is - generally - possible to extend the properties panel in the Camunda Modeler with data loaded dynmaically. Assume we’d model a service task of type external, is there any chance to include a “dropdown” below in the properties panel where I can inject contents dynamically via rest call? Or more generally speaking, is there an opportunity to include custom javascript logic inside?

Thank you, Ingo!

Hi @astro,

a lot is possible with properties panel, but you need

  • a good overview of the possiblities (read all the examples)
  • good javascript knowledge

I’m missing the second, so the modeler is a grey box for me. My only skill here is to copy from other examples.

Cheers, Ingo

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