I would like to use the embedded forms in a 7.5 shared engine.
I have set the form key to bpmn:userTask id=UserTask_095e760 camunda:formKey=“embedded:app:test.html”
I have deployed the app.test via rest as well.
When I open the task in the tasklist I get only loading icon. I have read about it in the forum but the end of the thread is that you have solved in the 7.5.
Do you have any idea what can be wrong?
Thanks in advance: Gábor
I studied the manual again and as I have understood I need to use the deployment instead of app: . I have tried but the result is the same.
My purpose is to display an html form that was deployed via rest into the Camumda DB.
Thanks in advance.
@Gabor_Sandor take a look at this:
See if you get the same issue when you follow the steps in the blog post.
I have cloned your project and try to use. I have got a same error :(.
Do you have any idea? (I am using Camunda 7.5 shared engine on Tomcat with Oracle XE 11)
I have tried the external script example as well because that is also interesting for me and the result is the same.
Can you install: https://github.com/camunda/docker-camunda-bpm-platform with the default configuration. And run as demo user. See if you get the same issues.
Thank you I have found the problem. I think that in the future can be useful to know that you can access the file as you have deployed.
This was my problem. I have deployed as data and I try to access as sampleEmbeddedForm.html.