I am using camunda embedded forms within tasklist. I have camunda deployed under /camunda and html forms deployed under /forms. When I reference the forms in my camunda start event as: embedded:app:forms/myform.html I get the error message: Form failure: The context path is either empty or not defined. . Is anyone else experiencing this or know what would cause this? I can access myform.html by browsing to it.
@Yana, I had a look and at first the documentation wasn’t clear to me that the bpmn resource should be deployed along with the form in a single packaged war deployment. I was under the impression that one could deploy a web application containing only the forms (context path /forms) and then do a separate REST deployment of a bpmn process and refer(point) to the deployed forms by using a form key. I have resolved this by having to do a fully packaged war deployment containing all the resources. I was hoping at first I could just deploy my html forms in a webapp and then upload bpmn processes via REST pointing to those but this does not seem possible.
It is important to deploy the resources together otherwise the deployment won’t be consistent and that results in a lot of problems when you try to work with it.