Enable basic authentication using bpm-platform.xml

I am using Azure app service container to deploy Camunda. I need to enable basic authentication for my Camunda REST Api’s

I am currently using BPM_PLATFORM_XML environment property to point to my bpm-platform.xml file.

Camunda docs states we need to enable basic authentication in web.xml file. If I need to do this then I cannot mount the web.xml file alone.

Will I be able to use environment property to point to custom web.xml file?
Or is there any other way where I can use bpm-platform.xml or other environment properties to enable basic auth?

I already checked this link to enabled LDAP plugin, but I want to enable only the basic auth and not LDAP.

This one is a little harder because each webapp has its own web.xml. Although not ideal, you could do something like edit the web.xml inside the container at runtime or copy in your own version of web.xml. You also have the option of mounting the entire WEB-INF directory (also not ideal).

To be honest, the simplest solution may be to extend Camunda’s docker image and copy in your web.xml then, that way you can reproduce the same container over and over if you need to.