Hey guys! I have a question about BPMN, can put and end event process inside a parallel gateway, as shown in the image? if not, what’s the correct way to do it??
This will potentially cause a deadlock at the merging parallel gateway. as it’s expecting 2 tokens.
Hi Diego, the gateway leading directly to an end event is not marked with X or +. In Camunda we always use one or the other to avoid misunderstandings. A blank gateway means it is a data-based exclusive gateway. Yes, it is valid to have a sequence flow which leads from a gateway directly into an event. If the event is blank (!) then having a sequence flow from a parallel gateway lead into it makes no sense. Having a sequence flow lead from an XOR gateway into a blank makes sense. It end the process path covered by the token. Apart from that Niall’s comment applies. If the XOR leads to an end then there are no more 2 token which can satisfy the parallel gateway near the end.