Actually when I let Camunda to create tables automatically, I am using the same user. I am just changing camunda.bpm.database.schema-update parameter to false. When I restart after changes it gives me error like tables are missing.
By the way I tested same scenario in SQL Server, it works successfully. I don’t know if it’s causing problems just in PostgreSQL or not.
There maybe a slight difference between the native Postgres Admin tool and the JDBC url.
If you set schema-update to true, the engine creates the table in the area that you specified by the JDBC url.
But it’s common practice to create the tables in a production system manually, as the DB admins usually want to have a look what is happening in their database and this process follows the principle of the least required privilege.
I tried two different database management tools, one of them DBeaver and the other one is pgAdmin 4 v7.3 and as you said I executed the following postgres scripts manually.