ENGINE-12018 History Time To Live (TTL) cannot be null. TTL is necessary for the History Cleanup to work

Hello all,
Migrating a Spring Boot 2 application to Spring Boot 3, so upgrading Camunda (starter) from 7.16 to 7.21.
Now about 380 unit tests fail with the error above.
Based on this discussion in the forum: Camunda 7.20 History Time To Live cannot be null! Cannot deploy WF created in 7.18 - Camunda 7 Topics - Camunda Forum I tried adding enforceHistoryTimeToLive: false, or historyTimeToLive: P1D to my application.yaml but none of these seems to have any effect.

camunda.bpm: admin-user: id: kermit password: **** firstName: **** filter: create: All tasks+ database: schema-name: table-prefix: generic-properties: properties: enforceHistoryTimeToLive: false


It’s fascinating to see how intricate these configurations can get, especially with the history time-to-live settings. It’s a good reminder of how important it is to stay updated on the latest documentation and community discussions. Have you considered sharing your troubleshooting process or any solutions you find along the way? It could really help others facing similar challenges!

I tried both settings in both application.yaml (both application and test BTW) and nothing changes.
I tried setting the property in activiti.cfg.xml, to no avail.
Now this is a migration/upgrade to the unit tests target existing processes – we’re not starting from the blank sheet. So my best guess at this point is that the configuration applies to newly created processes but existing ones will need to be somehow upgraded with a history-time-to-live – maybe the solution is not in the application configuration but in the data it handles ?

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