Engine Plugin - Not AUT and 500 response

i checked cawemo docs and find this

Spring Boot
If you’re using Java configuration you have to register the engine plugin as a bean:

@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public static ProcessEnginePlugin cawemoEnginePlugin() {
  CawemoEnginePlugin plugin = new CawemoEnginePlugin();
  plugin.setAuthMode("BASIC"); // or "QUERY_PARAM"

  return plugin;

so why get 401 and 500 response?

userId and api key

when i deploy a process definition

2023-05-08 14:29:45.803  INFO 9420 --- [nio-8443-exec-8] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet        : Completed initialization in 1 ms
2023-05-08 14:29:59.623  INFO 9420 --- [nio-8443-exec-4] org.camunda.cawemo.plugin                : CAWEMO-PLUGIN-01002 Handling process definition 'Process_1mxugun' of deployment 'aa7e1bf8-ed93-11ed-af6f-8245e2bb3867'
2023-05-08 14:30:00.413 ERROR 9420 --- [pool-1-thread-1] org.camunda.cawemo.plugin                : CAWEMO-PLUGIN-01001 Couldn't connect to Cawemo. Response: HTTP 401
2023-05-08 14:30:00.445 ERROR 9420 --- [pool-1-thread-1] org.camunda.cawemo.plugin                : CAWEMO-PLUGIN-01001 Couldn't connect to Cawemo. Response: HTTP 500

Hi @Rasim_Savas,

Let’s go over the steps:

  1. I assume that you use Camunda as a Spring Boot App or Camunda Run. Is that correct?
    If so, you have added the plugin by either adding the dependency to your pom.xml or by adding the plugin’s jar file to your classpath, right?
  2. You have created an API key in Cawemo

If my assumptions are right, there is no need to implement the configuration as a Bean. You can simply add it to the application.yml of your Spring Boot app or the default.yml or production.yml file of your Camunda run installation. Simply add:

  plugin-class: org.camunda.cawemo.plugin.CawemoEnginePlugin
    CawemoUrl: http://localhost:8080
    UserId: 414c4d5c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    ApiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ProjectName: engineProject
    AuthMode: BASIC
    CustomBasicAuth: false

I hope this information helps.

It is correct that I am using Camunda Run.

I added the specified jar file under userlib.


and this is the settings in my “production.yml” file.

but nothing happens. so in the past it was returning a response like 401, nothing happens with the new setting.

i.e. i don’t get error but my process is not added to cawemo.

Hi @Rasim_Savas,

I made a typo in my configuration. Here, the updated values (I forgot the hyphen before plugin-class):

- plugin-class: org.camunda.cawemo.plugin.CawemoEnginePlugin
    CawemoUrl: http://localhost:8080
    UserId: 414c4d5c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    ApiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ProjectName: engineProject
    AuthMode: BASIC
    CustomBasicAuth: false

The plugin uploads models to Cawemo when they are deployed to the engine. So to see a model, you have to deploy it, but already deployed models will not be uploaded automatically.

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thank you Stephan, works great now.

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