Error Boundary Event catch multiple Errors

Is it possible for a Error boundary event to catch multiple Errors, I have a case like a Java Delegate can throw three different errors and with this Error boundary event I have to capture the errors and based on the errors I have to do different logics.

If an error catch event does not have a specific error code defined it will catch all errors that reach it’s scope.

In a java Delegate I have to catch

throw new BpmnError(“DB_NOT_AVAILABLE”);
throw new BpmnError(“REQUEST_ERROR”);

so for the above I have 3 catch to catch the above error, but I am not able to catch all those if anyone occurs with one error boundary, please find attached sample tried diagram.bpmn (4.7 KB)

@Niall any info on this please…

@fakrudeen_sarfraz Are you trying to catch all 3 types of errors in single catch event?

Hi @fakrudeen_sarfraz,

As per camunda docs, If errorRef is omitted, the error boundary event will catch any error event, regardless of the errorCode of the error.

In your attached model, I can see that errorRef exists.
Try to remove it “errorRef”.

yes… @aravindhrs

Thanks for your help, I am able to catch all the errors defined. is there a way I can know which error was catched when I reached the Delegate.

I see form docs as “catched a process variable with the name err will be created that holds the evaluated message.”

I am not able to find such a “err” variable in execution

Hi @fakrudeen_sarfraz,

Try to configure asynchronous continuation before your activity “Test Error Bounday” so you can guarantee that defined process variables get committed to database and accessible.


yes I have configured Async before, but not able to see the err variable as part of error boundary event

@fakrudeen_sarfraz You can refer the below example.

BPMN File: Invoice Process.bpmn (9.0 KB)


public class LoggerDelegate implements JavaDelegate {

	public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {"Logging for activity {}, invoiceErrorCode:{}, invoiceErrorMessage:{}",
				execution.getCurrentActivityName(), execution.getVariable("invoiceErrorCode"),

public class InvoiceGenerateDelegate implements JavaDelegate {

	public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
		Long invoiceStatus = (Long) execution.getVariable("invoiceStatus");
		if (invoiceStatus.intValue() == 5) {
			System.out.println("Invoice processed successfully!!!");
		} else if (invoiceStatus.intValue() > 5) {
			throw new BpmnError("ORDER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",MessageFormat.format("Order limit exceeded, current items:{0}", invoiceStatus));
		} else {
			throw new BpmnError("ORDER_LIMIT_LOWER",MessageFormat.format("Order count is zero, current items:{0}", invoiceStatus));

public class InvoiceRejectedDelegate implements JavaDelegate {

	public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
				"Executing InvoiceRejectedDelegate for activity: {0}, Error code:{1}, Error message:{2}",
				execution.getCurrentActivityName(), execution.getVariable("errCode"), execution.getVariable("errMessage")));

Thank you so much, it was very helpful @aravindhrs

Thanks all for your help…

I tried to use the same above BPMN, I get the bellow Error
The transaction was marked for rollback only; cannot commit; nested exception is org.hibernate.TransactionException: Transaction was marked for rollback only; cannot commit

Hi Team,
If I want to throw the event after retries few times. How to do that. Camunda Application in Spring boot.