Error Boundary Event with Retry in Service task

Hello my dears!

I have the following situation below:

I have this service task which is an http-connector, which makes a call to an API.

I set her Retry Time Cycle as R3/PT5M to repeat 3 times, once every 5 minutes. My idea is that the API is called 3 times and if the call still fails, then the flow is sent to the Error Boundary Event as shown below:


What happens today is that, even setting the 3 retry attempts, the flow is still being thrown to the Error Boundary Event on the first attempt.

The way I found to do it was this one below, but I don’t think it’s the right way (the logic that I put inside the Error Event I described in the image below.):

If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it!

William Robert Alves

disregard my question…

I’m going to use the ManagementService API to fetch the number of retries and create the logic inside the execution listner, so when the retry number reaches zero, throw bpmnError.


William Robert Alves

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I think you’d have to do it that way (or the way you modeled).

Retry with R3/PT5M will only work if there’s no general catch (Boundary Error) on the activity. When the 3 retries are done, then it throws an Incident.

If there’s a Boundary Error on the activity, that’s basically the same as putting a full error handler on the task, so the Retry logic doesn’t get executed.

Hello my dear @GotnOGuts !

I was already aware of this behavior, but I would like to do something like what I described, and preferably using Camunda’s default modeling, without creating too complex flow in the “design” of the process.

Anyway thank you for the answer.

I did it this way and it worked great…

Knowing that when we reach retries = 0 Camunda generates an incident, and with that the process is blocked until resolution, I solved the problem based on the “code” even before the process was blocked by an incident, making the “throw bpmnError” be thrown when the retry reaches 1, not zero.

Fiz o seguinte codigo como um END Execution Listner, na service task do camunda.

Thanks anyway! :heart: :smile:
See you soon!

William Robert Alves

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