Error catching


I have a model that looks like the below,


I am expecting that when an error is thrown it proceeds to the end, but there are instances the workflow errors out with the message,

Expected to throw an error event with the code ‘Not_Created’ with message ‘The security token included in the request is invalid.’, but it was not caught. Available error events are [Not_Created]

Am i missing something here ?

Kind Regards

Can you provide the BPMN file of your model?
Which version of Camunda are you running?

When you throw a specific error, you must configure a specific catching error event to catch this error. Based on the error message, I suspect that the error thrown by your service task (Add Candidate) and the error configured in your error boundary event do not match.


Thank you @StephanHaarmann , your suspicion was correct, the error thrown by the service task and the error configured was not matching.