I have setup Camunda 8.6.6 in Windows10, and I can access Operate and Tasklist. However, when I try to connect a simple Spring Boot project using spring-boot-starter-camunda-sdk, I’m getting below error in ZeebeDeploymentAnnotationProcessor
Caused by: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException : UNAVAILABLE: Expected to execute command on partition 1, but either it does not exist or the gateway is not yet aware of it.
I had a look into the camunda.log file, and I can see below exception though I can access Operate and Tasklist.
io.camunda.zeebe.util.actor- Uncaught exceptionin ‘Startup’ in phase ‘STARTED’. Continuing ith next job.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ‘int org.rocksdb.RocksDB.version()’
I’m not sure if the latter rocksdb error has anything to do with the former grpc connection error while deploying the bpmn file I have mentioned with @Deployment annotation.
FYI, I’m simply using camunda.client.mode=self-managed property, and falling back with the other default properties.