Error Creating Bean with ZeebeClientHealthIndicator

Hi Team,
I am running local Camunda-manual setup 8.3 and try to run the spring boot. But I am getting below exception while running spring boot. Can anyone help me on this.

Exception: Error Creating Bean with ZeebeClientHealthIndicator defineed in the class path resorce [io/camunda/zeebe/spring/client/configuration/ZeebeActuatorConfiguration.class]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method ‘zeebeClientHealthIndicator’ parameter 0: Error creating bean with name ‘zeebeClient’
defined in class path resource [io/camunda/zeebe/spring/client/configuration/ZeebeClientProdAutoConfiguration.class] Failed to instantiate
[io.camunda.zeebe.client.ZeebeClient]: Factory method ‘zeebeClient’ threw exception with message: target

Project details in POM:


org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-actuator org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-web

Hi @vinothkumar
Could you share a simple test project to reproduce the issue?
I see no issues when running the spring boot with the following dependencies but I might miss something here.



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