Hello, I am a student from Russia. I apologize for my English, I use an Google translate.
I built the bpmn process in Camunda Modeler repeating all the actions from the video 3 - Camunda for Non-Java Developers on Vimeo but when I try to upload a file with the process to the cockpit, it gives me an error:
On the forum I have not found an answer, but found another method to upload using Camunda Modeler in version 1.12.0 alpha 8, but there appears another error:
I was able to deploy the process without any problems.
What version of Camunda are you using?
What application server are you using?
Can you upload the logs from the container?
You are running Tomcat from the path D:\Программы\Camunda\server\apache-tomcat-8.0.47. Please try to run it from a path that contains only latin characters, e.g. D:\camunda-installation\Camunda\server\apache-tomcat-8.0.47
Sure, please post follow-up questions in a new thread, unless they are directly related to this particular issue. This helps us keep the forum organized.