I am following camunda springboot tutorial, in the following model, when i complete prepare for departure task , i get the following error :
Unknown property used in expression: #{reserveSeatOnBoat}. Cause: Cannot resolve identifier ‘reserveSeatOnBoat’
process.bpmn (6.4 KB)
Processing: ReserveSeatOnBoat.java…
package com.camunda.springboot;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.DelegateExecution;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate;
public class ReserveSeatOnBoat implements JavaDelegate {
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String money = "0.0";
String ticketType = "Coach";
money = (String) execution.getVariable("money");
double moneyDouble = Double.parseDouble(money);
if (moneyDouble >= 10000) {
ticketType = "First Class";
} else if (moneyDouble >= 5000) {
ticketType = "Business Class";
execution.setVariable("ticketType", ticketType);