Error when attempting to upload .bpmn files to Camunda SaaS


My team and I have been modelling on our own local Camunda Modeller application for some time, making models in the .bpmn format. We are now hoping to migrate our work to the online Camunda 8 web platform. The issue is when we attempt to upload our files an error message appears stating that the file is invalid. Does anyone know of a fix for this?


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Hi @gwest

The generic answer is to read the error message to identify the specific invalid part of the model, fix the model, then reupload.

Guessing here with no model or specific error to look at - but make sure that you are not trying to upload a C7 model to C8 SaaS.

Otherwise, for further assistance, please post a specific error message that we can take a look at.

Bonus points would be the whole model, but that may not be possible. A minimal reproducer would also do it, but if the model is complex, the error message text is the right place to start.


Hi @gwest,

we have a diagram converter here: camunda-7-to-8-migration/backend-diagram-converter at main · camunda-community-hub/camunda-7-to-8-migration · GitHub.

You can either download the command line interface from maven central ( and use it as described here: camunda-7-to-8-migration/backend-diagram-converter/cli at main · camunda-community-hub/camunda-7-to-8-migration · GitHub

or start the webapp (camunda-7-to-8-migration/backend-diagram-converter/webapp at main · camunda-community-hub/camunda-7-to-8-migration · GitHub) from your IDE or with maven and open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Please let us know the results. We are especially interested in tasks, that we could cover in the converter but haven’t covered right now.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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The following 1 file is invalid and can’t be uploaded: “Test.bpmn”

/\ Here is an example of the error message. So when uploading a model to the modeller web app, the model must adhere to bpmn ruling? Is that a potential reason for upload failure?