Error While Deploying the bpmn - Processes are not allowed to contain a straight-through processing loop

Hi Community,

I’m have designed a bpmn based on some flow

When I try to deploy it in the camunda cluster through desktop modeler, It is giving me the following error

Command 'CREATE' rejected with code 'INVALID_ARGUMENT': Expected to deploy new resources, but encountered the following errors:
`Grahics_Workflow.bpmn`: - Process: Process_Graphics_Workflow
    - ERROR: Processes are not allowed to contain a straight-through processing loop: Gateway_1ssrm6c > Gateway_0jyw0be > Activity_1t8ykzc > Gateway_1casfww > Gateway_1spmcdj > Gateway_1tcsxc2 > Gateway_0bvd4mw > Gateway_1lcnxxh > Gateway_0tv9m98 > Activity_0qqp5cb > Gateway_0amlzub > Gateway_1glgq6p > Gateway_0tmwsjv > Gateway_1ssrm6c
 [ deploy-error ]

Am I following the correct approach of designing a bpmn or any change is required

Your Insights would be helpful

Grahics_Workflow.bpmn (44.3 KB)

Currently, all tasks in your process have no type, e.g., they are not marked as user tasks, send tasks, service tasks, etc. Tasks without type will be ignored by Camunda. Consequently, the upper branch contains an loop without any behavior - thus, if entered once the loop will be executed indefinitely. Change the task type of at least one activity. Based on the labels, I guess that they should be user tasks.

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Hi @StephanHaarmann ,

Thank you for the Reply
Just tried with the task without type for testing the flow as it was working with simple flow

Now I understood the behavior of task without a type and manual task when they are looped
Thank you

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