Error with Maven configure

When I try to update the project on I get an error “unable to configure ‘projectname’”. Here is my pom.xml file:

    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

Hi @mhurten,

Did you try to add <name>my awesome project</name> to your pom?


Hi Christian,

Thank you for your reply.
No luck for the project, I don’t know why this is not working.



What is your development environment? What version of maven are you using? Why are you using such an old version of Camunda?

I using eclipse IDE for development. As for the version of Camunda, I copied the pom.xml file from the started website.

Are you using the “packaged” Eclipse (now deprecated) that Camunda used to support? It’s a pre-configured Kepler instance that you can find if you poke around the site.

Firstly, I would bump that version number to something a bit new like 7.6.X or 7.7.X.

I don’t know anything about Spring, but your pom.xml file doesn’t look obviously wrong. It’s a bit sparse, but that’s not necessarily wrong. Have you enable Maven debugging mode using the “-x” option? I’ve never used it, and you might need to use Maven at the command line to do so.

Finally, you might insert the following into the properties section:

The Name of My Project

Hi @mhurten,
can you please add a link to where you copied this from? I can’t find it myself in the Getting Started section and this should probably be updated.

Thanks and best regards,

Hi Matthijs,

This is the link I used :

Kind regards,


Hi Michael,

Thanks for your response.

That’s a pretty old guide. I strongly recommend to use this one:

Best regards,