Evaluate list of objects with list in DMN

I have a requirement to compare the a value form list of objects with the list of strings.The request looks like below. i have the column country code working but i’m for alternate options where i can translate the logic into expression field since the data in the columns is dynamically generated and i don’t want to write the syntax in the dmn generation process to include “some type in [data from the form] satisfies list contains(expressionVariables,type)” since there will be more fields which will have the same requirement. i can change the expression how ever i want.
“customer”: “XYZ”,
“location”: [
“countryCode”: “USA”,
“city”: “new York”
“countryCode”: “USA”,
“city”: “Dallas”
“countryCode”: “CAN”,
“city”: “Torronto”

Sample Doc
CamundaSample.dmn (5.0 KB)