I’ve asked this question also on StackOverflow, but maybe this forum is a better place to get some help…
(since I can’t post images here, a full description of the question can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51292606/why-is-eventname-of-intermediatethrowevent-always-null)
In short: I’m having a sequential process:
- a usertask (userTask A)
- an intermediateCatchEvent with a condition (It just waits until a certain processVariable becomes != null)
- a usertask.(userTask B)
Everything works perfectly: Completing userTask A makes the intermediateEvent ‘active’, filling in the processvariable makes userTask B ‘active’, completing userTask B ends the process.
All fine.
My question is about the moment the contitional intermedateCatchEvent is ‘active’. At that moment I want tho query the ‘name’ of that event.
Querying the Eventsubscription works: I can query the subscription by using an EventSubscriptionQuery, but the returned EventSubscrption contains no name; it’s null
Opening the bpmn defenition in the modeler show a name (see the picture on stackoverflow), but the EventSubscription in java is always null;
Also, checking the databasetable act_ru_event_subscr also shows an empty column event_name_
What am I missing?