Exclusive Gateway in bpmn

Hello Team,
i am using bpmn with dmn by using exclusive gateway i have attached screenshot.
but while running i am facing issue Expected result of the expression ‘rfpvalue’ to be ‘BOOLEAN’, but was ‘NUMBER’. like this.

Supriya K

Hello my friend!

Your sequence flow condition is not being checked, as you only took the value of the “rfpvalue” variable.

you need to put in the condition expression fx field:

in the top flow:
rfpvalue < 2000

and in the bottom flow:
rfpvalue > 2000

Another thing I saw as a problem is that you are not evaluating if the value is exactly 2000… only if it is greater or less!

You can adjust this with:

rfpvalue >= 2000

I hope this helps!
William Robert Alves

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Brother, take a look at this doc… perhaps this help you to understand better!

William Robert Alves

Thank you so much for response

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Hello, i am using gateway but facing Expected at least one condition to evaluate to true, or to have a default flow this issue after running this workflow
here i added radio box to approve or decline request

i put like approved = true but still not working

This topic appears to be continued here So will be locked

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