Exclusive gateway: No outgoing sequence flow for the element

Hi everyone.
May you help me.
I designed a simple process for two steps user validation.
The process starts with an application form (designed in a third party form maker)
then the first assignee review the form and either approve or send it back to the applicant to complete it.
I try various ways for gateway condition:
${} or #{}
but every time I deploy and start the diagram, this message pops up:
An error happened while submitting the task form : Cannot submit task form 7ebda175-ad02-11ed-8520-0242ac110005: ENGINE-02004 No outgoing sequence flow for the element with id ‘Gateway_1uh6b98’ could be selected for continuing the process.

Here is my model and the task form:
two step user validation.bpmn (10.3 KB)
submision.form (765 Bytes)

Hello again @Elmira_Rahimi

In the .form file you have

          "label": "Approve",
          "value": "aprove"

but in your condition, you’re looking for #{aprovalstate=='approve'}
Since ‘aprove’<>‘approve’ it won’t match :frowning:

Similarly, ‘re-submit’ <> ‘resubmit’ so that branch won’t work if you select the Re-submit option.

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OH thanks!
I changed my form values and labels, and voilà !

That looks great!