Existing REST API integration with the camunda zeebe

I am trying to integrate my set of APIs with the comunda zeebe workflow using .net core.
So far, I couldn’t seems to find any proper turtorial for the same.
I tried to implement HttpWorker using the link GitHub - camunda-community-hub/zeebe-http-worker: Zeebe worker for HTTP calls, but have been unsuccesfull so far.
Can you please help me on this?
PS: I have enterprise level integration coming up, was evaluating, if zeebe is suitable for me or not.

Hi @Kadeer_Khan,

you can generate a client for C# using the grpc protocol to talk to Zeebe.

Have a look at the docs: Build your own client | Camunda Cloud Docs
and at this blogpost: Generating a Zeebe-Python Client Stub in Less Than An Hour - Camunda

Hope this helps, Ingo

I am not talking about the client, I already have that and also able to successfully deploy the models.
My only concern is, how I am going to call my api via the BPMN model, say for example, from a service task.

Hello @Kadeer_Khan ,

from the perspective of the process, you can only parameterize the service task.

The engine will then create a job to be executed by your worker.

The implementation of your worker can then for example be dynamic and rely on the configuration of the service task.

If you need help on Zeebe and Camunda Cloud topics, there is forum.camunda.io as well.