Hi there,
is there a way to use camunda properties in CMMN as well?
IN BPMN for instance you can have:
<bpmn:task id="Task_0seoagl">
<camunda:property />
<camunda:property />
How can realize this in CMMN models? I Need those extensions for Tasks, stages, CaseFile.
Thank you!
Hi @minautics,
at the moment this extension element is not supported, you can find full list of supported element here. COuld you may be elaborate more on your use case so that we could find a workaround?
It is needed for documentation purposes. I want to save context-related information and links in attributes just like I did with the BPMN camunda properties.
Will this be implemented any time soon or is there another option. (Not messing around with a different namespace would be my preferred solution).