External Task Client

Hi dear Camunders,

I am a little bit playing with external task client.
I am following this example https://github.com/camunda/camunda-external-task-client-java/tree/master/examples/loan-granting

I have created a runnable jar which does its job perfectly but it seems it eats a lot of resources.
E.g. I see
system.cpu.util[,iowait]):19.27 %
just for the one external worker, I have created based on the showcase.

I can imagine a use case where I would have tens of such workers per a process but that would mean to kill a server, the thing is I am not sure how to do it correctly.
I can post here the class I have written but it is basically the one from the showcase.

Thank you for any suggestions.


I am sorry, It seems the server during my Sunday night testing was used by other people.

