I have a very bizarre predicament. I’m using Camunda 7.18 and have followed the External Tasks documentation as well as using the GitHub example for implementing it in NodeJS. I have two processes, playSession and updateTier, both of which contain external tasks and both of which have their corresponding code handled by the same NodeJS process worker (i.e. topic registration and polling).
For some reason the updateTier process gets stuck at the very first external task, updateTier_RetrieveMemberDetails. I can’t spot any difference in how this task is configured as compared to any of the external tasks in playSession, yet playSession works perfectly fine whereas updateTier does not. I’ve verified that the external task is correctly getting created, it’s not being locked nor suspended, and if I manually make a fetch request I can assign a worker to it just fine. However, the external tasks simply don’t get picked up otherwise.
The logs show that all of the topics have been correctly subscribed to and I’ve checked countless times to verify that the topic names correctly match up. The polling is set to a 5 second interval with a 10 second timeout for the sake of testing, so it’s not an issue of infrequent polling either. When I run the playSession process the polling says that it has found 1 task and correctly executes upon it. When I run the updateTier process the polling only ever says that it has found 0 tasks, meaning that despite the tasks assuredly existing they are never seen for some reason.
This issue is going to drive me crazy so any help would be greatly appreciated! I have attached the bpmn files for both processes. I haven’t included the topic handlers as currently the handlers for the updateTier process literally just print to console and mark the task as complete, but even that is not being reached (since polling does not find any updateTier tasks to begin with).
playSession.bpmn (39.1 KB)
updateTier.bpmn (5.4 KB)