Can you upload your model.
Also - can you explain on more detail what you expect to happen when the timer is triggered? If your intention that the External Task is interrupted or not?
Thank you for confirming it :). I knew it… something is wrong…
Goal: How to make external task retry for specified duration and once all retries exhaust either stop or raise incident.
Now above goal I was able to achieve via external task handle failure function and decrementing the retries. Covered here External Task Retry Java. (Although it works but have some doubts on its behavior posted there)
I was thinking if I achieve something similar via the model declaration which you already saw.
There are two external tasks… the 2nd external tasks is pushing message to a queue say A and doesn’t complete the external task.
3rd Party application picks from queue A and process. After processing, it inserts the response to some other B.
My application picks message from queue B, if its success then complete the external task else do nothing.
After 10 seconds timer will fire and cycle continues till retries exhaust.
Would this be retrying after a failure of some kind?
If you want to get an idea about dealing with different kinds of failures maybe take a look that this tutorial and then see if something in there relates to what you’re looking for
Would this be retrying after a failure of some kind?
Yeah but failure happens asynchronously.
If you want to get an idea about dealing with different kinds of failures maybe take a look that this tutorial and then see if something in there relates to what you’re looking for
Thank you for sharing the link. I will go through this tutorial and will update once finished.