I’m trying to run the tests for camunda-bpm-webapp. I did the following steps:
git clone git@github.com:camunda/camunda-bpm-webapp.git
cd camunda-bpm-webapp
npm install
Then I try to run the server in test mode:
mvn jetty:run -Pdev-e2e
I get some compilation errors in src/main/runtime/test/java/org/camunda/bpm/pa/rest/TestServlet.java which I fix:
Line 98: Change getMeters() to getDbMeters()
Line 156: Wrap call new SetupResource().createInitialUser(processEngine.getName(), user); in try-catch
Now I try to run the tests:
grunt test-e2e --protractorConfig=ui/common/tests/develop.conf.js
I get an error that update-config.json can’t be found so I run the command mentioned:
node node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
I try to run the tests again, but get the next error:
Cannot find module ‘camunda-bpm-sdk-js’
I install the module:
npm install camunda-bpm-sdk-js
I get the next error:
Cannot find module '…/…/…/cockpit/tests/pages/dashboard
I remove the requirement on this module on line 24 in ui/admin/tests/specs/authorizations-spec.js and delete the test “should create new application authorization”.
Now I finally see some admin screens showing up when running the tests. After a short while I get the next error:
Error while running module script protractorBaseModule_: javascript error: angular is not defined
At this point I’m thinking I’m doing too many workarounds to get this working. I also made a post about the Developer’s Guide missing (Where did the Developer's Guide go? - #2), which I’m hoping describes these steps. Any help will be much appreciated.
- Windows 10
- Node 14.13.0
- Java 9.0.4
P.S. Somewhere along the way I also had to specify where to find the Chrome binary, because apparently it doesn’t install in the expected path on Windows 10. I did this by adding before line 46 in develop.conf.js:
binary: ‘C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe’,