Feature Request to enable reordering of Lanes

Hi there,

For readability I occassionaly find myself in the situation that (in later iterations of the modeling proces) I have to reorder lane contents to different (vertical) positions in the model.
As I can not find a feature to completely move a lane, I have to create new lanes (or reuse existing ones) and then reshuffle the original (or existing) lane’s contents.
It would be soo nice to be able to drag a complete lane up or down an existing Participant and all contents would move with it and all connecting lines would be readjusted to the new position.

Hope this is clear enough as it’s quite tedious to show the before and after of showing what I want.


For feature requests please head over to the respective project and open an issue: https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js/issues/new?template=FEATURE_REQUEST.md


Thanks for pointing it out (I forgot about it :frowning: ). Feature request registered under #969.
