Feel Expression to filter list of complex objects

I have a list of “components” complex object that contain complex objects. Pl see the structure below.Using DMN Feel Expression (or FEEL For loop or FEEL Context or any other technique in DMN)
I want to FILTER and retrieve the list of
WHERE Components[code.coding[1].code=“CodingValue-A”]

Components [
           code: {
                  coding: [
                              system: "CodingSystem-A",
                              code: "CodingValue-A"
          concept {
                   coding: [
                              system: "ConceptSystem-A",
                              code: "ConceptValue-A"

           code: {
                  coding: [
                              system: "CodingSystem-B",
                              code: "CodingValue-B"
          concept {
                   coding: [
                              system: "ConceptSystem-B",
                              code: "ConceptValue-B"


Hi @Mallesh_Nagothi, :wave:

This is related to the issue: FEEL Expression evaluates to null, instead of ignoring missing element in JSON · Issue #572 · camunda/feel-scala · GitHub

The problem is that not all items in “Components” have an entry “code”. As a result, the evaluation fails.

Good news: this issue is fixed in the upcoming version Camunda 8.3. :tada:

As a workaround, you need to add a null-check in the filter condition.

Best regards,

I’m sorry if my example JSON was incorrect. I will have “code” entries in the side “Components” array. I just need to filter the Components Array by the given condition, ie components[code.coding[code=“CodingValue-A”]] (sorry this is syntactically not valid, just for demonstration of my issue)

and expecting output to filter out everything in the Components array and return
Components [
code: {
coding: [
system: “CodingSystem-A”,
code: “CodingValue-A”
concept {
coding: [
system: “ConceptSystem-A”,
code: “ConceptValue-A”


DMN_List_Testing.dmn (6.7 KB)

Solved it by flattening the component array::


Can someone validate my solution? Do I need to do any null checks?

To validate your solution, we need to clarify the input first. Is this your JSON input?


That’s the correct input.

Good. :+1:

If I evaluate the expression with Camunda 8.3


Then it returns an empty list. The problem is that “coding” is of type list.

You could fix the problem by using the function list contains(). If I evaluate the expression

Components[list contains(code.coding.code, "CodingValue-B")]

Then it returns the following result:


Does this match the expected result?

:warning: If you use Camunda 8.2 or a previous version, you need to add a null-check. For example:

Components[code.coding.code != null and list contains(code.coding.code, "CodingValue-B")]

It worked well. Thank you!
Would you please help to write a list not contain feel expression?

Components[not(list contains(code.coding.code, “CodingValue-B”))] is not working.