I’m currently encountering this error in a FEEL Script
10:54:14.802 [Test worker] ERROR org.camunda.bpm.engine.context - ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: condition script returns null: result is null
org.camunda.bpm.engine.exception.NullValueException: condition script returns null: result is null
So I would like to debug the script. The first thing I want to do is print the variables. How would I do that with FEEL? I have a feeling that the variable I’m using is null itself. println and print are not valid FEEL functions.
Camunda BPM doesn’t support FEEL language.
Either Unified Expression Language (EL) JUEL or scripting languages supported by JSR-223 (Groovy, JavaScript, JRuby, Jython) can be used as conditions
Camunda Platform supports scripting with JSR-223 compatible script engine implementations. Currently we test the integration for Groovy, JavaScript, JRuby and Jython. To use a scripting engine it is necessary to add the corresponding jar to the classpath.
Hi @Raishad
I didn’t have the chance to use conditions as script. I used to use conditions as expression.
It is worth giving a try.
@Raishad, I believe you can utilize filter with Java lambda in a listener or a service task to evaluate your need and store the result in a boolean variable to be used in the condition.
Boolean result = (items.stream().filter(c -> !c.isCondition()).count() == items.size());
I tried a Java List of String type and the below feel condition worked properly every item in items satisfies (item = "A")
I believe that your problem is due to using a List of custom type so try the above suggested solution (utilizing filter with Java lambda)