File uploads and attachments in Camunda 8 Modeler

Hey there!
I wonder how I can upload files in my forms in Camunda 8. It’d be great if form-js supported this form component; so we could simply use linked forms.

However, it is not possible right now. I assume there have been discussions on this topic before. I have read this topic in Camunda 7 and it didn’t help me.

Is there any way I can handle this in Camunda 8? If I use embedded forms, how can I access the files later in the process?

Hello @okaeiz ,

you are right, this is not possible as of now as Camunda (and Zeebe in particular) is not able to handle file data in a proper way.

You COULD build your own component for this and handle the file-to-be-uploaded by for example base64 encoding the content and saving it as a string process variable.

I hope this helps
