Form value by using Custom Form Key not able to get in Process and Submit button is disable while using Camunda forms

Hi Everyone ,
I want to use form.html file in my process in Camunda 8 self managed , In Camunda 7 there was Embedded task form so we were able to use easily, In Camunda 8 we have :-
1. Camunda Forms ( Input JSON format)
2. Custom form Key ( form Key)

First one is working fine except submit button invisible but I want to use second Custom form key by using key but not able to get value from Form file. Any help is Appreciable ,
Thanx in Advance

Hi @Avinash_Rawat,

Does your form have its own Submit button or are you saying that the Complete Task button is not visible?

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Hi @davidgs ,
My form has own Submit button that is not visible but complete task button is visible and able to complete task. Can you give some comment on Custom form key Issue also , how to give formKey if I am selecting Custom form key?

Hi @Avinash_Rawat ,

So your custom Submit button is not visible because the form relies on the action of the Complete Task button to handle form submission, so other Submit buttons are removed since they will not function properly anyway.

I am not sure what you mean by the custom form key issue. Maybe you can tell me a bit more about what you are trying to accomplish with this, and we can find a way to make that happen.

Best Regards,

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Hi @davidgs ,
When we implement Form in task (Camunda 8 Self Managed )then we have two options to select:-
1. Camunda Forms
2. Custom form Key
when we select first Camunda Forms we give data in JSON format that is working fine .
when we select second Custom form key we need to give Form Key So what format to give for Form key and what key should I pass in that, Suppose I have one form.html file in my local java code.

Have you read through the forms docs about this topic? I believe that it will answer your questions on the Form Key.

Best Regards,

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Hi @davidgs ,
Yes I went through mentioned Forms Document but I am not able to connect Forms in our Process , I tried to give zeebe:formKey but it is not working , Can you let me know how to give form key while working with Camunda 8 Saas and how to Integrate Forms while working with Camunda 8 self managed ?
Thank you

The linked docs just say “User tasks support specifying a formKey attribute, using the zeebe:formDefinition extension element. The form key can be used to specify an identifier to associate a form to the user task”, which doesn’t help much.
In Camunda 7, using the Desktop Modeler, you can have separate .bpmn and .form files, give the form in .form an id (e.g. “my-form”), in .bmpn’s user task set Form Type to Embedded or External Task Form and Form Key to the id from .form (“my-form”), then you can deploy the .bpmn diagram and add the .form to the deployment using “Include additional files”.
In Camunda 8 Self-Managed there’s no Include additional files option available when trying to deploy using the Desktop Modeler (version 5.1.0). So, is there any way to attach an external .form file to a User Task besides just changing User Task’s form type to Camunda forms and copy pasting the .form’s json contents into the Form JSON configuration field?
And if that’s the case, then what’s the “Custom form key” option for, how does one use it? Where do you obtain the “Form key” value from? The .form is a json not an xml, and it has neither “formKey” attribute nor “zeebe:formDefinition” anything. And the Desktop Modeler does have a File → New File → Form (Camunda Platform 8) option, where can that file be used?
I tried looking up in the docs but they’re mostly about SaaS and the Web Modeler.

So, is there any way to attach an external .form file to a User Task besides just changing User Task’s form type to Camunda forms and copy pasting the .form’s json contents into the Form JSON configuration field?

Yes, by using a reference in “Custom Form Key”.

And if that’s the case, then what’s the “Custom form key” option for, how does one use it?

It’s not an embedded form, it is a ID for some external form. You have to dereference the id to a form in your external User Task handler worker.

If you are using the Custom Form Key, you are also implementing your own User Task handler.

The Tasklist application from Camunda only supports embedded forms, see this section here: User tasks | Camunda 8 Docs.

This means that you are responsible for implementing the link between the custom form key and the custom form itself, in your User Task worker handler. So you are implementing a custom User Task List.
