Format XML

I did not open this XML File in modeler camunda, can you help me please.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<bpmn:definitions xmlns:bpmn=“” xmlns:modeler=“” xmlns:camunda=“” id=“Definitions_1” targetNamespace=“” exporter=“Camunda Web Modeler” exporterVersion=“ac16d31” modeler:executionPlatform=“Camunda Cloud” modeler:executionPlatformVersion=“8.6.0”>
<bpmn:process id=“AbrirCuentaCorriente” name=“Abrir Cuenta Corriente” isExecutable=“true”>
<bpmn:serviceTask id=“Ingresar_Datos” name=“Ingresar Datos” camunda:class=“org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.listener.TaskListener” />
<bpmn:serviceTask id=“Verificar_Identidad” name=“Verificar Identidad” camunda:class=“org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.listener.TaskListener” />
<bpmn:serviceTask id=“Aprobar_Solicitud” name=“Aprobar Solicitud” camunda:class=“org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.listener.TaskListener” />
<bpmn:serviceTask id=“Notificar_Resultado” name=“Notificar Resultado” camunda:class=“org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.listener.TaskListener” />

Can you explain the issue you’re having by answer these questions:

  1. What are you trying to do?
  2. What was the expected result?
  3. What actually happened?

When open XML file by modeler camunda, a message display “Invalid Diagram” and no diagram to display.

Hi @Nancy_Carmen_L_L
Could you export the BPMN in a designed way like the following?


Display a message: “This XML file contains errors” too.
I don t know where is the errors


Was the model created in the Camunda Web modeler?

It created by a program

If it’s created programatically it doesn’t contain the “Diagram Interchange” section of the BPMN - this is what tells the modeler where to put the symbols. Without this, the modeler cannot display the model.

thanks for helping!!

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