Frequently asked questions about Camunda 8 Self-Managed

Frequently Asked Questions about Camunda 8 Self-Managed

Configuring, installing, and managing your own C8 instance is a very broad topic. There are different requirements for each environment and use case: some are using AWS, some Azure, some are installing on their own hardware; some have existing Elasticsearch or Keycloak instances to integrate with; some are using Optimize and Operate, some are running “headless” … the list goes on and on!

There are some questions that we encounter frequently on the forums, and this FAQ will hopefully help you find resources for the most common C8 Self-Managed questions!

  1. How do I upgrade an existing instance of C8?

  2. How do I deploy to a cloud provider?

  3. How do I enable and use multi-tenancy?

  4. How do I connect to an existing Elasticsearch cluster or Keycloak installation?

  5. How do I use custom Connectors?

  6. TLS/SSL

  7. Scaling your installation

  8. Troubleshooting your installation


How to debug custom connectors with IntelliJ?

Add the following line to your connector runtime in the docker compose in the environment section:
- JAVA_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005

The port also needs to be mapped in the ports section:
- "5005:5005"

Then follow the Remote Debug Tutorial.